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In February 2016, CFA has published the rating of pedigreed cats registered between 01.01.2015 and 31.12.2015.
Listed below are the most popular cat breeds from the list of the Cat Fanciers Association.
20th place - Ocicat - shorthair cat breed, named after Ocelot, the result of cross-breeding Siamese and Abyssinian cats.
19th place - Burma - American and European. Character: playful, active, don't like being alone, omnivores (prefer to eat delicious dishes right from your table). But most importantly - they are great mothers.
18th place - Siberian cat. This is probably the most durable and healthy cats that can survive in any environment. Even if accidentally lost, can take care of themselves and find their way home. What the Siberians don't like, is to be commanded. They will understand and fulfil any of your request, if treated respectfully.
17th place - Tonkinese cat - produced by crossing Burmese and Siamese cats. A very unique cats, they take part in the rehabilitation program of children suffering from stuttering, nervous diseases, autism and cerebral palsy (in the US).
16th place - Russian Blue. These cats, like true aristocrats, love comfort and can't stand scandals.
15th place - Burmese cat - produced by crossing Siamese cats and long-haired breeds. It is a sacred cat. It is believed that these cats are guarding the sacred Burmese temples.
14th place - Norwegian Forest cat - a proud and independent type, these cats have a very well developed sense of self-esteem. They don't like to sit on the lap, prefer a cosy place near the master's feet. Won't let you squeeze and kiss and pet themselves, a few restrained strokes is enough.
13th place - Cornish Rex - the main motto of this breed - elegance, grace and beauty. Very active, playful cats, can not stand to be alone. Intelligent and observant, moderately curious.
12th place - Siamese cat - probably the most talkative cat. Very playful and active. And while they love to be the center of attention, feel comfortable in solitude as well. It is better to live in peace with this cats, it is a bad idea to offend them, they are very unforgiving.
11th place - Devon Rex - cat with an extraordinary appearance: their heads are decorated with long ears and body is covered with soft curly hair. Can't stand being alone, will follow their master like a shadow.
10th place - Oriental - reminiscent of Siamese cat in appearance and physique, but their colour is monotonous, unlike that of Siamese. Very clever cats, prefer to spend their time in high places, be it a top of a bookshelf or the owner's shoulders.
9th place - Canadian Sphynx - charming and graceful creatures. They can spend hours staring at their master with an admiring and loving gaze.
8th place - Abyssinian - proud beast with an appearance of a wild cat. But the appearance can sometimes be deceiving, these cats have a flexible, supple character. Not aggressive. Completely compliant to the masters will.
7th place - Scottish Fold - cute creatures with soft, sweet temper. Have a lovely, quiet voice, very sociable. Will befriend all of your pets. Very calm, will never rush through the room, sweeping away everything on its path.
6th place - American Shorthair - very independent cats. Don't like being hugged and petted, will only cuddle with their owner when they (cats) feel like it. Very intelligent and loyal.
5th place - British Shorthair - big and manly cats. Because of this feature, they often preferred by men. Independent cats, prefer to stay near their master rather than spending time on his lap, but very patient when it comes to children, can endure a lot of youngling's mischief.
4th place - Ragdoll - as domestic as a cat can be. The charming and infinitely gullible creatures. They can't tolerate the loneliness and separation from host (even for a short time).
3rd place - Maine Coon - the national symbol of America. Large cats (perhaps the biggest of domestic cats), but at the same time elegant, kind, affectionate, faithful, loves children and outdoor games.
2nd place - Persian cat - lovely creatures that completely unable to live in the wild. But at the same time are very durable. A persian cat spent 3 weeks in the rubble of the World Trade Center in New York. When she was found, her paws were burned, a slightly damaged eyes, lost a lot of weight, but survived.
1st place - Exotic Shorthair cat - Charming cat that resembles a plush toy, with a child's expression on the face.
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