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Then why are cats known for their fear of water?
It turns out that cats are not afraid of water, but they consider such cleaning procedure meaningless. They can perfectly clean their fur without your help, and they can do it regularly anywhere, anytime. And all those fragrant shampoos, that we find pleasing, are disgusting to cats.
Another thing that cats hate - forced contact with the owner during the procedure.
Don't forget that "the cats walk by themselves" and imposing anything - pointless. That's why cats attempt to free themselves from your grasp and run away from the bath.
Yes, there are some patient individuals, who heroically tolerate another whim of their owner. But look at the expression on the faces of such martyrs while you wash them - they surely are not happy.
But there are some cat breeds, that love water.
Top 5: Water Loving Cat Breeds.
♦ Bengal - cats with a short, thick, soft fur of original color. Kind-hearted, gentle, but independent. You might want to get a pair of earplugs if you wish to bathe a Bengal, but not for a cat, for yourself - Bengal cats are very talkative and sounds they make (be it pain or pleasure) are very loud.
Bengal cats love swimming. This skill they inherited from their wild ancestors. But that doesn't mean that you can just throw them in the pond. Firstly, Bengal cats are very heavy (up to 12 kg / 26 lbs), secondly - they will not tolerate such familiarity.
♦ Next on the list - Kurilian Bobtail. This is a charming creature with scanty tail. They are adventurous and curious, have a bright character, have an instant reaction, intelligent, resourceful and brave.
Kurilian Bobtail looks like a lynx from the side, like a hare from the back, and like a dog in their soul. And indeed, they have more common with dogs than cats. They get attached to a person like a dog, and choose their own master. Kurilian Bobtail is capable of bringing you your slippers, if you teach them. And, of course, they love water and are excellent swimmers.
♦ Next, in alphabetical order - Sokoke. Very mobile, active, independent and affectionate cat. Wonderful companions, will meet and greet you at the door, tell you all the news of the house (in cat language of course). Sokoke cats don't like closed spaces. Prefer to run wild, climb trees, and enjoy swimming. And they do all of it with such an ease, that any other animal would envy.
♦ Another breed of waterfowl cats - Maine Coon. Perhaps the love of open water they inherited from their ancestors. According to one of the legends, pair of cats lived and traveled with a captain Coon. Whenever the ship docked at the shore, captain would let the cats frolic on the beach, and little charming kittens that would appear thereafter were known as Maine Coon.
Maine Coon have water repellent fur, so they have no problem with water activities. Because these cats don't mind wet and humid weather, they are loved by yachtsmen and sailors.
♦ Last on the list of aquatic breeds - Turkish Van. Energetic and sociable cats. Very talkative, have a melodious voice, but a wayward character. Turkish Van adores water. They find it difficult to resist the melodious sound of running water from the tap, if they wont fit in the sink under the running water, they will at least wet their paws. They can spend hours playing with a trickle of water.
Although this is not a complete list of waterfowl cats, but the above breeds simply can't live without water and water procedures.
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